Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Waiting on the Sun.

Before the dawn the night is but darkened,

testing those whom to YHWH have hearkened.

But he will be as light of the morrow,

when the sun rises, a day without sorrow.

In his day the righteous will flourish;

all who did hunger, our Father will nourish.

A kingdom of peace for those which remain;

all who are waiting in a robe without stain.

2 Samuel 23

Friday, April 10, 2009

New Every Morning

Sweet sunshine sings the dawn of day.
I rise up to watch and pray.
Scales drop from mine eyes as dew.
As fresh ferns, I renew.
Each moment is a gift from thee.
With humble heart I cry my plea.

Lamentations 3

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hidden Blessings

Why can’t I count my blessings?
They must be there; I’ll wait and see.
These times are hard, the trials are tough.
I’ll keep waiting patiently.

Psalm 37

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All The Days Of My Life...

To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to meditate in his holy place?
Or excel in the glamor of this world,
And put on the makeup of a holy face?

What do I seek?
And what do you see?
Am I gentle, patient, and meek?
Or only selfishly focused on me?

Psalm 24